Saturday, July 14, 2018

Nailed It

On Thursday I had an appointment at Discount Tire. Again. To check the low tire light. Again. I was the only female in the entire place for about an hour and an half. So being the representative of the fairer sex I filed my nails and played with a first Dad's toddler.

The Dad was there alone with his toddler and he had the diaper bag, car seat, the works. Mind you, this Dad was one of those older first Dads, the kind that is probably on his third (possibly last) marriage and this wife is making sure he's active in the child rearing so she gives him assigned days to "babysit." He hinted as much when he said how happy his wife will be when he gets home with their having had such a fun time since "Thursday is our day to hang out."

At Discount Tire they have a somewhat derelict train set and a coloring table where kids can play while parents wait for their vehicles. This little guy kept bringing the trains over to me and then ultimately he brought the box of crayons for me to open. The Dad seeing this went up to the counter to ask for some paper but this was taking too long. So, me being the person that has whatever you need in her purse, pulled out my notebook and showed Mister Tiger Pajamabottoms how my little cousin had already drawn in there. He grabs the crayon and starts jabbing my notebook all excited and shuffles over to the table like "get a move on mystery lady we haven't got all day."

I give him the paper and saved the whole day. I saved it again when I gave him more.

This wasn't even the best part. The best was when Thursday Dad was giving Pajamabottoms his bottle and Def Leppard's "Poor Some Sugar On Me" was playing overhead. Dad sang every word to him and smiled like he was passing on a family rite.

When it was time to leave Dad thanked me for making the visit so much fun. Personally I think it was the other way round. When I got my car back they told me yes, there was another nail in it. I told the kid I smelled a plot, that Discount Tire had hired people to drive around and scatter nails to insure repeat customers. He said that is exactly what the higher ups do. We giggled pretty hard.

So, in the space of an hour and an half I filed my nails, had a nail removed from a tire, met a Mister Tiger Pajamabottoms and his Dad, listened to a not so private serenade, and uncovered The Discount Nail Plot.

Typical Thursday.

The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.