Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Little Things

 Here's the Costco Roundup for today.

Mom explaining to her kid that was asking her to buy something "Mom and Dad are a partnership and they have to make decisions together." 

Lady got a sample of the Philly Cheese Steak in front of my Mom. My Mom bumped into her later and asked her how it was, she leaned in and whispered so the Costco Gods wouldn't hear her blaspheme "There wasn't any cheese."

A Mom with her ten month old twins in the front of the cart walked by the Christmas tree display and asked them if they liked the tree. They immediately started to cry. She said "Okay okay, we won't get the tree! This is Walmart behavior, not Costco behavior."

Older Lady on the phone giving directions - "I'M BY THE FISH!"

And the best was a sweet little boy wearing a "Crew Member" t-shirt, sitting in the front of the cart, waiting for his sample. He was doing the "I'm So Excited I Get To Have A Treat At Costco" Dance. 

I think we should all be that excited. Be that in love with the little things. 

I know I'm gonna try.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

But First A Selfie

Anyone ever get ready, in their own bathroom in front of their own mirror and then go "Hey, I actually look kinda cute today."
Moments later you're out in the car getting ready to go wherever you're going and you think "okay, I'll take a damn selfie. I looked pretty cute."
The following is a conversation I had with the camera on my phone.
Me - What the hell? I looked cute inside just a minute ago.
Phone Camera - Uh yeah, that was inside. Bathroom lighting you dork.
Me - But now, my hair looks flat, my face looks fat, and my skin! Are you doing this on purpose?
CP - It's called NATURAL LIGHTING. They don't call it the Cold Light Of Day for nothing.
Me - Excuse me, it's 90°.
CP - At least something's hot!
Me - This is why people put filters on you.


Hopelessly Devoted

I wanted to be three things when I was young: Charlie Bucket, an astronaut/ballerina (sure technically that's two but I make the rules) and most of all, I wanted to be Olivia Newton-John.
My neighbors and I would "play" Grease. How does someone "play" Grease you ask? Great question, I'll tell you. 😉
First you need your neighbor's mother's old pantyhose. About three pairs. Then you cut holes in the side of the control top of each pair of panty hose that have runs and tears and old nail polish 💅 on the runs so that when you and your two friends step into the hose and pull them up to your chest the control top is now a tube top and the panty hose section is a demented taupe "Solid Gold" wannabe dance costume, with 80s flowered little girl undies bunching up underneath.
THEN - you sing and dance and dance and sing and sing and giggle and sing to the Grease album.
I would always "play" Sandy because my hair feathered. 🤷‍♀️ Like I said, I made the rules.
I sang all the lines (even if it wasn't my turn I still sang it quietly.)
I was really good at playing Grease.
I will never stop wanting to be Olivia Newton-John.




Tuesday I had my last session with my longtime therapist Nicole. She is leaving her job to become a fulltime (and first-time) Mom. There were many tears (by me of course) and lots of laughter. Just in that session alone. Nicole carries pieces of me that no one else will ever carry. I am forever grateful to her.
We were trying to summarize the years, find any way to say goodbye, and send each other off into our lives without being ridiculously awkward.
Nicole - You are such a unique person. In the best way possible. If (insert new therapist name here) doesn't recognize that...
Me - You know where they work?!
Much much laughter.
Yes, my heart is broken. Yes, I know I will be okay. But maybe today, I will allow myself this sadness.
There is time later for blossoming.


The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.