Saturday, July 31, 2021

Special of the Day


The Moms and I were at Costco today (I KNOW RIGHT she's out of the house and doing stuff it's WILD 🎉💖) and of course we're the minority of the minority wearing our masks and she's in the awesome little motorized cart and I was just not having it with people being clueless derps not possessing any sort of spacial awareness. I kept telling Mom to just go, not wait. If we didn't crowd into spaces we would still be there. An elderly handicapped woman in another of the motorized carts was struggling to put products in her basket. How many people walked by without helping until I did? It took two minutes and it totally made her day. I usually love the spectacle of humans at Costco. I engage, I smile, I joke and interact. Not today. (Well, not totally.)  I even had a teenager say about my super cool sparkly sequin mask "If you're gonna wear a mask just wear a regular one." I circled him like a twinkling vulture in the pastry aisle until his shoulders dropped to his navel and he shuffled away. Forget eye smiles, I have murder eyes.

And yet, there was the woman trying on a hoody, modeling it for her daughter. I voted two thumbs up. The sweet lady that smiled at me in the chip aisle and when I thanked her for it she thanked me for yes, my "eye smile." A man by the potatoes that told my Mom to "just run him over." The hippie in the tie dyed shirt that let my Mom go ahead in a crowded aisle that said "This place is mayhem!" There was the kind worker that helped with my old frames and their new lenses (I'm OFFICIALLY old now with progressives.) The sample girl handing out jerky that when I kindly followed up my no thanks with a "I'm vegan anyway" she giggled and said "I'm vegetarian!" We both laughed. Then as we were checking out, the checker told me how much she loved my mask and I overheard the other checker say "Working checkout is like directing traffic." My Mom and I laughed so hard.

I suppose, after allllll that, what I'm wanting to say is, help the little old ladies in the handicap carts. Be aware. My Mom seeing my impatience told me "I'm not special. I can wait." If you know my Mom you can hear it in her kind sweet voice. She is special. We are all special to someone. Let's start acting accordingly.

The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.