Dream update - not only are a small percentage of my dreams being narrated but they are going to great lengths to construct sight gags.
Last night/ early this morning there was a scenario, or scene if you will, since this dream's basic construction was like a stage play, where a couple were lounging on a couch. But then there were a series of quick cuts and in each new shot they'd changed positions - more slouched, more legs akimbo, more and more chaos of legs and arms and crumpled cushions, until the next to final shot had the female stand up and leave what I thought were her legs behind.
BUT NO! The couch was covered with mannequin parts, mostly legs and butts. Higher percentage of butts. All this draped over the slouched sleeping medieval costumed man (forgot that part.)
THEN, the narration pipes in "NO MORE BUTS."
My unconscious went to a lot of trouble for that joke.