Thursday, April 25, 2013

Turn, Turn...Turn the Channel

I really do not think Edgar Allen Poe would watch "The Following." Nor would Beethoven listen to Lady Gaga. Wordsworth would never come back from his walks if he knew what people nowadays associate with romanticism is Nicholas Sparks. I doubt Monet would hang with Kinkade. If there is a season to everything, then in what kind of season are we today?

It was C.S. Lewis that said "We read to know we are not alone" and yet with all the Non-Reality of reality television and the literal judging it encourages, all it does it make a person feel further and further from another person. The magical art of GREAT storytelling is in essence to give the audience a crib sheet for life. "Here, I present to you life in this setting, now learn how to live yours." The opposite seems to be presented lately, how NOT to live. Don't be in a murderous cult, don't be anywhere near Jeff Probst, don't think Adam Sandler is still funny and don't look to Gordon Ramsey for, well anything.

How can I say such things? How can I be so judgmental? Easy, right before I wrote this blog I got distracted by a cat in a shark outfit riding a Roomba while a duck chased after it. What would C.S Lewis say about that?

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The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.