Monday, November 9, 2015

Bank On It

Today I'm doubling up on the grateful since I missed on posting yesterday. For right now I'm sticking with where I've been the last couple of days and that is doing laundry. I'm ever so thankful for the modern washer and dryer. I'm not out on the riverbank beating my clothing on a rock. No I'm not. Oh sure, I'm not lucky enough to have my own in my apartment and the cost of using the pair at my parents' is spending actual time WITH my parents, and on horrible wretched occasions Todd. Shock horror!

Then there's the dinners. Yeah. I get fed delicious meals too, when I go over to make all my fancy clothes that are sewn for me by other people get clean in this magic machine and then get dried by another. Modern marvels at my fingertips. With company and food. Jackpot.

I'm also grateful for blankets. I've been given many blankets as gifts over the years. I have so many by now I can barely store them all. Each blanket on its own is a patchwork piece that covers my timeline. I feel so thankful that I am in my home, with a warm fuzzy, cozy blanket that not only covers me and keeps me warm from the chill outside, but warms me inside with memories.

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The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.