Thursday, October 15, 2020

Things I Need

 List Of Things I Need To Do

  1. Dust
  2. Vacuum
  3. Go Through Mail
  4. Shred Mail
  5. Organize And File Mail That I Didn't Shred
  6. Reorganize Cupboards (Dry Goods/Staples)
  7. Clean Bathroom
  8. Laundry
  9. Write
  10. Read
  11. Sort Memorabilia Boxes
  12. Organize Memorabilia 
  13. Get Out Knitting And Restart (Relearn Casting On)
  14. Continue Paint-By-Numbers
  15.  Colour
  16. Write
  17. Tune Guitar
  18. Learn to Play Newly Tuned Guitar
  19. Send Cards
  20. Rearrange Bookshelves 
  21. Sweep
  22. Mop
  23. Write
  24. Detail My Car
  25. Be Grateful For My Mom
  26. Tell My Mom I Love Her


List Of Things I Have Done Today


  1. Compiled This List 
  2. 25 and 26 on repeat






Monday, September 28, 2020

Union of the Snake

Last night my junk/tool drawer became stuck. The hammer inside the drawer had become imperfectly perfectly wedged under the lip, blocking the drawer. I couldn't see into it. There was maaayyyyybe a quarter of an inch gap between the outside of the drawer and just under the countertop. I legit started to panic. 

Me in the kitchen - "No no no no no no no no no."

Me still in the kitchen after using the pliers (the only tool OUTSIDE the junk/tool drawer) to disarticulate a small metal clip that I use on bags for dry goods thinking I could bend it over the lip and shove whatever was jamming up the works back in time - "Huh, who even knew I could... DAMMIT! Too short!"

Me sweating in my kitchen, stomach gurgling, full on internal dialogue of -  "Is this an allegory or a metaphor about having tools? Irony? The tools are in the drawer that is needing tools to be opened."

Panic increasing, Cassandra Mode rearing to take over ( will I or won't I poop my pants?)

While trying to stop the images of hordes of germy maintenance men invading my living space and sledgehammering my countertop to get to my drawer, I went into my bathroom to search for something, anything that might fit the bill as a tool.

Flash to me brandishing my plastic drain snake. No joke, this was a gift from my Bosom Friend. It was never intended to unblock a Junk Drawer and yet, here I am, telling you of its powers.  It was ideal for this job. I shoved that sucker up and over the lip of the drawer and once it found the edge of WHATEVER MALARKEY was going on inside there, it snaked the shit out of it.

I am not so secretly proud of myself for fixing this on my own. 

I have the saying from Poltergeist (altered to fit my situation) playing in my head "This drawer, is clear."




 Hot tip - get a plastic drain snake. They work on drains too.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Insiders

I have had it in my head to write this for over a month. Fear. Fear stops me every time. It's my biggest hurdle in writing anything, except inside my head. But today the general mood in the world, in the news, in the ether, seemed exceptionally bleak. All I ever want to do with these blogs is reach someone, anyone. And now that we are all where we are, maybe I can help share how I deal with my everyday that isn't so far apart from your new everyday.

The chance that I could spend a month inside my apartment and not go outside, even without a deadly virus changing the landscape of life as we know it, is something I plan for on the regular. It affects how I plan events and how I shop. I could get up off the couch too quickly and dislocate. Turn to put something on the stove while making a meal and dislocate. Rollover in bed and dislocate. It is all that easily done. Then bam, I am down for two weeks, maybe four. So, I always shop like "What if?" Kinda my Mr. Monk mentality: backups for my backups. So when COVID-19 started to even hint at being serious, I was prepared. NOT TOILET PAPER HOARDING PREPARED, just prepared enough for me. Like a rational "adult."

Most of the world does not live like I do. People shop for two weeks, or one. Some even for the meal they are making that night. Some of you don't even cook. Being stuck in your homes without going to your jobs, or out to dinner or movies is so foreign you feel displaced and maybe a bit imprisoned. Maybe at first, it was a novelty. A good time to catch up on that series. Read that book. Maybe it felt like a bit of a vacation. I don't know how many times I have had people say to me "Oh, you are sooooo lucky. You get to stay home and read and watch T.V. all day long." Uhuh. I have seen countless memes lately of "Finished Netflix" and the like. It isn't as fun or as cool as you imagined. I have a friend in mental health and they say they have never been so busy. The stress of being at home with bills, no money, and then the omnipresence of the virus is too much. People are breaking.

The lack of structure from the unavailability of socialization and jobs is forcing people to question their place and purpose. The burden of continued anxiety and money trouble is not helping, at all. I had another friend comment on how she truly didn't understand how much she gained from going to work, not just the money, the going. It is the routine. Now there are posts telling everyone the day of the week because days are running into each other. These are not new concepts for people like me. The "Insiders."

When I was a teenager, my Aunt once told me that humans were all in a race to live. They ran so fast that much of their life ended up a blur. I never forgot that. This is a time to slow down. Thing is, not many were prepared to step off the track.

Some things I have learned during my many years Inside: focus on the small joys, don't compare yourself to others, talk to yourself like you would a best friend and brush your teeth every day. I also watch ASMR videos at night to help me when the pain is too much and I can't turn off my brain. Check-in with your family and friends. A lot. Use Marco-Polo or Face Time. See their faces. I try to find at least three things by the end of the day that made me smile AND /OR I completed. This includes making a meal, any of my music Instagram posts, calling a friend or writing this blog. Hell, making your bed counts.

Things are flipped upside down and inside out. They might be for a good long while. If you need more tips, I'll be here. Inside.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Me Party

I want someone that thinks I am funny, even when I am not. Someone that understands why I try too hard or not at all. Someone that lets me take care of them as much as they take care of me. Someone to whom I dare expose how truly terrified I am. How embarrassed I am. Someone that eats like I do, that laughs like I do, that loves like I do. I need a best friend and I don't need sex, I am so over that. I understand how irrational many of these needs and wants are yet I still need and want. I need to differentiate between wants and needs. I want to be truly vulnerable without the fear of evaporating. I want to stop feeling pain. Feeling alone in my pain.

This is why I write it. This is why I lived with bunnies. Why I will live with bunnies again.

I am my someone right now. And then. And for the foreseeable future. Explains me talking to myself. I felt a peace as I typed that. More than I have recently when I would ruminate on my future "alone" existence.

Guess I want to be my own best friend.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

With a Star at the End

The voicemail on my home phone (shock horror I have a landline) remains the same as when I changed it during chemo. I kept thinking how little help my Bunny Boys were when I couldn't get to the phone fast enough (yes, toilet joke) or when I was at the hospital for treatments. I mean what a couple of loafers. Seriously no help at all. Peanut tried to chew my catheter after my Uretal Reimplant surgery because it got in his way but that isn't what this blog is about, it's about my voicemail. And messages left on it.

My outgoing message goes "Hello! You've reached Heidi, Peanut, and Pickle! If Peanut or Pickle could come to the phone right now this wouldn't be happening. Please leave a message! Thank You!" My name is spoken very clearly. As well as two lovely freeloader loves of my life unhelpful bunnies. I have subsequently left my voicemail the same as it is technically true. If they could, they would. 💖🐇

Flash to the present day, and EVERY TIME my therapist's office calls to confirm an appointment and leaves a message.  "Hello, this message is for HEE-DEE." Not Heidi, not Hay-dee, not even Hi-Die (which has happened.) Without fail, HEE-DEE. Is this a new thing where words are being pronounced the opposite of their historical pronunciation? The new fad to LITERALLY change words, i.e literally? It makes me laugh.

Should I try being HeeDeE? Like Sarah Jessica Parker's SanDeE in "L.A. Story?" Just in my head.

Maybe just at my therapist's.

The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.