Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Driving Rain

 I was watching Hurricane coverage on The Weather Channel and while the broadcaster was outside on a street in Georgia slicked with rain, commenting how most of the town was shut down, a UPS truck passed behind her. 

I laughed at first, imagining frivolous Amazon purchases or other online orders hurriedly being delivered inside a hurricane. Then I smartened up and remembered that people get their meds delivered and other healthcare devices. These are important and possibly life saving, specially for elderly people and the disabled that will be affected with major power outages and road closures. 

These drivers deserve every bit of the raise they negotiated. Plus hazard pay.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Get the Lead Out

 Most mornings I've been writing in my dream journal about all the dreams I had during the night and morning. I use my favorite mechanical pencil. I've had that thing for decades.  Well, I started to run out of lead. I searched and searched my apartment for the replacement lead (which I was positive was here somewhere) and could never find it. So, I ordered more. 

Today I'm putting the new lead into my most favorite mechanical pencil and decide to put the new lead somewhere that makes sense, where I won't forget it: at the bottom of the ceramic jug holding all my pens. 

When I dump out all the pens what do I find? All the replacement lead.

I have enough lead to last until the apocalypse.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Tongue Tied

 Dream if you will, a picture - of my Mom and I at a stoplight. Suddenly she notices a man to the left of us in the back seat of an old model Four Runner having a VERY animated conversation with the driver. With every word he is waving his bright Orange Polka Dot tie and using it as either emphasis or as the reason for each syllable.

Naturally we're intrigued, and a little bewildered. 

Then I start the voiceover for Tie Guy -

TG - Do you see this? This stain? This happened because you stopped so short. F$&K you Geoff! 

Mom laughs.

TG- I inherited this from my Great Grandfather and now it has frappuccino all over it because you can't drive for shit Geoffrey.

More Mom laughter.


You owe me a tie you idiot.

The vehicle turns with Tie Guy still waving his tie and berating the driver.

Mom and I are both cackling.

The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.