Sunday, June 24, 2018


Living in my apartment building we don't have a piece of land to claim as our own. No backyard nor front-yard. No area for a blow-up swimming pool or lawn chairs. Barbecues are strictly forbidden and of course having a spot to dig up and plant a garden is a concept out of this world.

Until you meet my neighbor.

My neighbor Sprout (I'm calling her Sprout which is a fun play on her name) came by one day and asked for my bunny poop. Knowing Sprout this wasn't an unreasonable request. I said sure thing and before she knew it she had more than she expected. She told me she was using it as fertilizer for some plants but what I didn't know was that she was planning a creative outdoor experiment.

A Truck-Bed Garden.

She had cleverly turned the bed of her truck into a garden full of flowers and tomato plants, lovingly fertilized by Peanut and Pickle.

I took this pic during the part of the day when it has full sun but it is shaded for other portions too. She takes them out to water and rotates their positions.

I gave her another box of bunny poop for some friends that have seen how great her Truck-Bed Garden is growing. I think it is ingenious and it makes me smile every time I walk by.

Making your situation work for you. Growing despite the challenges.

I'm so proud and inspired to have her as a neighbor.

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The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.