Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Coming over to let the doggies out for their afternoon constitutional while the Parentals take a mini break with the new trailer, and to what do my wondering olfactory senses appear? A major diarrhea blowout of epic proportions in the front room. Bud greets me but has no interest in the front of the house, and Cooper? He is lying flat on his stomach hiding.

Hours later: shovel, gloves, cut up t-shirt, bucket of soapy water, hydrogen peroxide, Todd getting kicks, lit candles, open windows and Coopie escaping the back yard twice, I am now on the couch with two happy snuggly pooches at my feet while "Baby You're a Rich Man" plays over the stereo.

Todd said cleaning this mess would give me perspective. It has. Bunny shit rules.

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The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.