Thursday, August 11, 2022



Tuesday I had my last session with my longtime therapist Nicole. She is leaving her job to become a fulltime (and first-time) Mom. There were many tears (by me of course) and lots of laughter. Just in that session alone. Nicole carries pieces of me that no one else will ever carry. I am forever grateful to her.
We were trying to summarize the years, find any way to say goodbye, and send each other off into our lives without being ridiculously awkward.
Nicole - You are such a unique person. In the best way possible. If (insert new therapist name here) doesn't recognize that...
Me - You know where they work?!
Much much laughter.
Yes, my heart is broken. Yes, I know I will be okay. But maybe today, I will allow myself this sadness.
There is time later for blossoming.


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The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.