Monday, May 27, 2024


The prospect of doing these Immunoglobulin Infusions for the rest of my life has been, well, a little more than daunting. Having all the STUFF invade my home was the final big push of the reality of it: the pole, the sharps container, a special dresser (albeit cute because, of course) to hold all the syringes, gauze, chucks, tubes, alcohol wipes, and needles and on and on.

I'm still not completely sure of myself when I administer it, on myself. Definitely not proficient yet. I'm lucky to have the best support in my Mom and Jen. My goal is to be the best Self Infuser EVER! I know I'll get there. Even when I fail terribly and the tube gets blocked and I have to replace the needle and poke myself three more times. Frustrating doesn't cover it.

Then there's today. For the first time, in I don't even know how long, I felt, good. 

I did grocery pick up instead of delivery. 

I drove with the windows down and sang. 

The last few days I've had enough energy to cook "REAL" meals. 

What if this actually works?

I've called the meds that I get Liquid Gold, not only because of the price. 

I'm being repaired, Kintsugi style. 

Inside out.

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The Bun

The Bun
If you don't like rabbits, you can suck it, shove it and then go soak your head.